Florida SEE

Event Registration - Florida SEE

This event has completed.

6/12/2024 - 6/12/2024
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST

Event Description

Seagrass Ecology and the Eyes on Seagrass Program
 presented by Kate Rose Florida Sea Grant Agent and Florida SEE Board member

 Florida is home to two of the largest contiguous   seagrass meadows in the United States, Florida   Bay,  and the Nature Coast. However, the state is   not immune to global trends of seagrass loss. High   nutrient and sediment inputs from land run off, heat   stress, and algal blooms are driving declines in   seagrass coverage statewide, including collapse of   some seagrass meadows on the East coast. Regular monitoring is necessary to provide up-to-date assessments, but high costs of long-term monitoring regularly prevent seagrass conservation and restoration projects from reaching their full potential. Eyes on Seagrass is a citizen science seagrass monitoring program that has been proven to increase sampling capacity and engage Florida communities in seagrass conservation. Learn how you might be able to incorporate some of the program’s principles to turn ecotourists into environmental stewards!